Your Case is My Priority
I provide experienced representation on your Social Security Disability (SSDI) case in San Diego county.
Social Security disability is a program administered by the federal Social Security Administration that can pay cash benefits to you, and in some circumstances to your family members, if you have a disabling condition that prevents you from working.
Disability is determined according to Social Security regulations and federal law. Disability means that you are so severely impaired physically or mentally that you cannot perform any substantial and gainful work. This impairment must last, or be expected to last, at least twelve months or must be expected to result in death. If you meet this criteria, you may qualify to receive monthly cash disability payments. The disability determination under Social Security law is independent of any disability determination for workers’ compensation, automobile accidents, Veteran's beneifts, or under any other law.
In addition to the medical requirements, you must have “insured” status under Social Security regulations. This means that you must have worked long enough and paid Social Security taxes so that you have earned enought credits of coverage.
I provide experienced representation on your claim for Supplement Security Income (SSI) benefits in San Diego county.
Supplemental Security Income, also known as SSI, is a program under the Social Security Administation that provides cash benefits to low-income people.
In order to qualify, you must first meet the requiriments for having limited or no income, limited or no resources, savings, investments and property.
In addition, you must also meet the other requirment of being disabled according to Social Security regulations, age 65 or older, or blind.
I provide experienced reprsentation on your continuing disability review (CDR) in San Diego County.
If you are receiving Social Security disability (SSDI) or SSI beneftis, the Social Security Administration is allowed to review your case to determine if you remain disabled and eligible to continue to receive beneftis.
The disability review may occur approximately every three years but in some circumstances may happen sooner if your condition is expected to improve; the review may occur less frequently if your condition is not expected to improve.
If, after review, Social Security determines that your medical condtion has improved enough to allow you to return to some sort work activity, your benefits will stop.
You should contact a lawyer as soon as you receive notice that a your benefits are being reviewed to be sure that you have your best chance of keeping your benefits.
Your circimstances may have changed and you may actually no longer meet the Social Security criteria for disablity. A lawyer can explain to you how the process of disability review works and can offer you guidance on how to establish ongoing disability.
Also, if you are notified that your benefits will be stopping, you have a right to appeal the decision. You normally have 60 days to submit an appeal, but if you submit an appeal within 10 days from the date of the notice of termination, you can ask that your benefits continue to be paid while the case is under an appeal.
Simply put, the Social Security regulations are complicated and there is too much at stake. Many people feel overwhelmed by the process. Many people do not understand what it takes to prove entitlement to benefits. Also, many people think their condition is not severe enough, when in fact, they may actually qualify.
As an experienced lawyer I can help you understand the regualtions, the process and procedures; I can help you develop the evidence. When we work together, we have our best chance of winning your case.
I offer a free consultation. I will review your situation and discuss the options. Please call me for more information.